CSG water management

BeneTerra commenced operations in the Powder River Basin in Wyoming in 2002 and developed (and patented) methods for treating and beneficially dispersing CSG (CBM in the USA) water. We have since treated and managed in excess of 100 Gigalitres of CSG water (that’s 100 billion litres).

Treatments are determined by an in depth understanding of the water chemistry and the potential for dispersal options nearby. For example, irrigation options with adjacent farmland (crops or pastures), operational uses, river or creek discharges etc each require a particular acceptable water chemistry criteria which when combined with the chemistry of the input water determines the potential treatment technologies required.

BeneTerra has designed and operated a number of bespoke treatment options for clients including filtration options (from course through to reverse osmosis), chemical dosing and amendment options, irrigation and dispersal options (irrigators, subsurface drip systems etc) and brine solutions.

BeneTerra of course developed the BeneVap ™ to deal with the wastewater that emerges from a wastewater treatment plant. BeneVap can substantially reduce the volume of brine required to be managed.

dam and pond site reclamation - Beneterra