We Safeguard The Environment

At BeneTerra we deliver practical, cost-effective environmental solutions to clients in the resources, industrial, agricultural and waste sectors.

Our Name

The name BeneTerra literally means “healthy land.” It comes from the Latin adverb "bene," which means "well" or "healthy," and the Latin noun "terra," which means "land," "soil," or "earth."



BeneTerra Holdings LLC, a closely held private company, oversees several subsidiaries. The original company, BeneTerra LLC, was established in 2002.

Our US entities are registered in Kansas, USA, while BeneTerra Australia Holdings Pty Ltd and its subsidiaries are registered in Queensland, Australia.


subsurface drip irrigation - Beneterra

Company History

BeneTerra was formed in the early 2000's with the same vision of beneficial use of wastewater with agronomic solutions in mind.


A new joint venture

In the early 1980s, Nicholson Ventures and Agronomy Solutions joined forces to develop cost-effective systems for the beneficial use of municipal wastewater, with a focus on soil impacts. They aimed to provide Dodge City, Kansas, with a low-cost solution to treat and disperse all municipal waste, including waste from a local meat processing facility. Together, they created an agronomic solution to manage soil chemistry following irrigation with the treated wastewater.

BeneTerra is formed

In the early 2000s, we formed BeneTerra with a vision of utilising agronomic solutions for the beneficial use of wastewater. Focusing on coal bed methane (CSG) in the Powder River Basin in Wyoming, we developed and patented subsurface drip irrigation systems that enabled year-round irrigation, even during winter conditions. Over 13 years, we treated and beneficially used over 100 billion litres of water.

Australian operations commence

Wood Group Wagners invited BeneTerra to Australia as a consultant for wastewater management in the CSG industry. We provided water management plans and irrigation designs for Bow Energy, Arrow Energy, and Santos.

BeneVap concept

Our clients in the CSG industry needed solutions for managing CSG water in ponds slated for decommissioning. Given the remoteness of these sites, traditional water haulage was impractical. We responded by inventing a desalination process that allowed the water to be used locally in beneficial ways. The remaining brine was processed through our BeneVap system, resulting in a solid salt waste product that was easy to dispose of. This innovative approach delivered significant cost savings to our clients and achieved better environmental outcomes overall.

Leaders in disturbed land rehabilitation

After our successful first dam decommissioning campaign, BeneTerra emerged as a leader in disturbed land rehabilitation. We decommissioned over 60 CSG dams, both HDPE-lined and unlined, and rehabilitated hundreds of well pads.

Delivering services to the waste industry

We utilised BeneTerra's BeneVap system to permanently remove landfill leachate after extreme rain events in Southeast Queensland. This project showcased the effectiveness of BeneVap in landfill settings, leading to its deployment in over 12 landfills to ensure contaminants do not enter the environment. Recognising that our soil and water expertise could benefit the waste industry, we expanded our services to include water dispersal systems, landfill cell construction, and landfill capping projects, including phytocap trials, for various clients.

Industry innovation awards

BeneTerra received the landfill innovation award from WMRR at the 2019 Australian Landfill and Transfer Station Innovation and Excellence Awards. BeneTerra received the sustainable technology and innovation award from CEC Care at the 2019 Care Awards.

Construction of first landfill cell

BeneTerra further disversified in the waste industry by completing the construction of a new landfill cell for Lockyer Valley Regional Council in Gatton, QLD. The project was delivered on time, on budget, with zero quality exceptions. Our expertise in understanding site conditions and engineering requirements delivered a successful outcome for all stakeholders.

Issue of NSW EPL for mobile waste processing

After a detailed and technical application process reviewed by the NSW EPA, BeneTerra secured NSW's first mobile waste processing licence for the processing of landfill leachate with our BeneVap technology. This licence can be utilised at any site in NSW who requires permanent volume reduction of landfill leachate. The BeneVap delivers industry leading environmentally sound air emissions whilst preventing the release of contaminants from landfill leachate to the environment. The application of a BeneVap at a landfill removes the requirement for the transport of leachate by heavy vehicles.
"They are excellent. They are easy to deal with. They're problem solvers. I just went to them and said this is my problem and they came back and said right, we can do this, this and this.”
Client in the Waste Industry
We've found a fantastic partner in BeneTerra. The BeneVap technology has transformed our processes to treat leachate at our site. The BeneVap along with their experienced, professional, and helpful staff across all levels from senior management/engineers to the on the ground operations team, provide an invaluable part of the solution to managing leachate at our remote landfill. The results we have achieved have been vital to the environmental sustainability of our operations, and we’re looking forward to that continuing long into the future.
Southern Waste Solutions
Jeff Holmes Southern Waste Solutions
"I highly value their input. If they tell me something, I believe it. And it's worked for me so far. Certainly, anything in the technical spaces and even from an execution perspective, I highly value their input to what they have to say."
Client in the CSG Industry

What we do

Disturbed land rehabilitation

At BeneTerra, we excel in revitalising areas affected by utility corridors, pipelines, well pads, chemical storage, and similar uses. We begin with a thorough investigation to understand the site's original conditions before any disturbance. Next, we conduct a comprehensive inventory of the existing soil materials, developing strategies to reconstruct the optimal soil profile using these resources. Our process often includes integrating soil amendments and carefully blending different soil types found on-site. This meticulous approach ensures the restoration of the land's natural health and productivity.


Dam & pond site reclamation

We specialize in reclaiming sites previously used for water storage, a task that presents unique challenges. The extensive land disturbance from dams or ponds, along with potential wastes or contaminants, demands a nuanced approach. We begin by meticulously sampling these sites to assess soil and vegetation conditions, earthworks construction patterns, bottom sediment characteristics, and any hazardous residues.

Drawing on our deep expertise in earth sciences, water chemistry, and regulatory requirements, we craft a bespoke plan that addresses each unique aspect of the site. This tailored approach ensures we exceed our clients' expectations, paving the way for successful and sustainable restoration before any physical work begins.


Wastewater irrigation

At BeneTerra, we excel in designing, developing, and operating irrigation systems that transform wastewater into a valuable resource. Our success comes from our comprehensive understanding of the various components involved in planning, designing, permitting, constructing, and managing wastewater irrigation projects. Our team’s expertise spans soil science, water chemistry, irrigation technology, hydrogeology, and environmental law, ensuring a well-rounded approach to each project.

Equally important are our business skills. We are not just scientists and engineers; we are business managers dedicated to the financial stewardship of each project. This dual focus ensures our irrigation systems are not only environmentally and operationally successful but also financially viable and sustainable.


Industrial and produced wastewater

At BeneTerra, we tackle the toughest wastewater issues faced by industrial operations, integrating cutting-edge technologies tailored to our clients' unique problems. Through meticulous research and development, we introduced the BeneVap™ Systems, our innovative solution for managing complex wastewater challenges. We achieved this breakthrough by combining rigorous R&D efforts with strategic acquisitions in submerged combustion technologies. The result is a revolutionary process that can eliminate types of wastewater previously untreatable by any other existing technologies.


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